
“The new businesses and attention put on Brownsville — and really the Rio Grande Valley as a whole — is transformative, and it’s the perfect environment for entrepreneurs to come into.”

Nathan Burkhart

BROWNSVILLE, Texas – Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation’s second annual StartUp Texas Pitch Summit will take place on March 11.

It was to have taken place on Feb. 26 but last week’s storms affected some of the applicants.

The seed fund program is part of BCIC’s ongoing efforts to cultivate a culture and ecosystem of entrepreneurship in Brownsville and the greater Rio Grande Valley.

“This is our second annual pitch summit since our program began last February. Our goal is to foster scalable business in our region and provide entrepreneurs in our community the chance to access capital and commercialize their products or services here at home,” explained Nathan Burkhart, director of marketing and small business development for BCIC.

“Since its inception in Fall of 2019, the StartUp Texas Program by the BCIC has evolved tremendously,” Burkhart told the Rio Grande Guardian.

“What began as a seed fund program for entrepreneurs hoping to scale in Brownsville, Texas, evolved into an expansion of COVID-19 Relief Aid in the form of grants and forgivable loans.”

Today, the StartUp Texas Program encompasses the Pitch Summit, the Brownsville CARES Grant, the Emergency/Bridge Loan, and the (Re)Open for Business Forgivable Loan. All programs are administered and funded by the BCIC.
