
The Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC) is seeking for start-ups and existing businesses, who are looking to relocate or expand, to consider Brownsville’s Historic Downtown. In the past fifteen years, Brownsville’s Historic Downtown has embarked on a huge endeavor towards redevelopment with assistance of BCIC’s monetary investment of over 800,000 dollars. As a result of the public investment a new wave of businesses have now established themselves in the heart of Brownsville’s downtown, sparking a renowned interest for private investment.

As Brownsville’s “Type B” economic development organization, BCIC has invested on another step forward in directly assisting businesses who which to establish themselves in downtown. Through the “Business Improvement & Growth (BIG)” Program, businesses and property owners can now receive financial assistance for exterior and interior capital improvements (which includes signage improvements) as well as rent subsidy assistance for projects intended to create jobs and increase sales tax revenue. The program was carefully designed and developed by BCIC staff to address several needs and challenges that the business community currently faces when considering downtown as their preferred business location.

The program currently has funding available for the next three (3) years, and the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation is looking to exhaust these funds rapidly as an increased interest for development in downtown is becoming more and more evident.

The program will be directly managed by BCIC, which will allow potential applicants to have a direct line of communication with staff to ensure projects are running smoothly and in a timely manner. Our staff is invested in making sure we meet our organization’s goals, thus we have carefully prepared to make sure we provide the customer service necessary for the success of this program and the development happening downtown.

Applications will be live on March 4th, 2019 and accessible through www.brownsvilleedc.org/big-grants for business owners and property owners looking to invest in Downtown Brownsville. Information sessions are scheduled to begin on March 19th, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at 500 E. St. Charles St, Brownsville, Texas 78520 For more information regarding the press release, “Business Improvement & Growth” program, or to RSVP for the information sessions please contact the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation via Facebook or through www.brownsvilleedc.org for the most up-to-date information regarding programs, news, and eligibility requirements.
